Thursday, December 22, 2011

The perfect nose........

The nose has always been one of the most concerned aesthetic areas of the face. Depending on your ethnicity, the problem with the nose would differ from a Caucasian wanting to perfect a defect, or an Asian whom are more likely to have a flatter nose bridge. The nose, being the center of your face would be among the first thing a person would notice when they look at you. Therefore, most people would want a perfect nose.

There are many techniques of improving the nose from rhinoplasty to implant insertion, reduction of the ala nasi and fillers. Filler injections have shown to be the easiest non-invasive method of nose augmentation and reshaping. When we mention fillers, most people will relate to hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm, Teosyal, Perlane or the calcium hydroxypatite based i.e. Radiesse. Although these fillers give wonderful results in the hands of a skilled injector, many patients would start thinking about the hassle of having to come back and reinject every few months. If the fillers were in the cheeks or folds, it will be less noticeable when it becomes smaller, but the nose? It would be kind of funny to have the perfect nose in the beginning of the year, and by christmas it is reduced again. 

Hence, the appearance of semi-permanent fillers into the market such as collagen fillers, Bioalcamid and Aquamid. Collagen fillers although shows promising results has increased the worry of practitioners as to allergic reactions towards the animal component. In a few religions like Muslims and some Hindus, the use of bovine or porcine collagen is not preferred. Furthermore, results last up to 3 years only or even less. Hence we have non-animal products such as Bioalcamid and Aquamid.  Bioalcamid is more like an implant in gel form. When placed under the skin in the right manner will encapsulate and stay for 3-5 years with minimal change. It is removable by expressing out the capsule. However, it does require a good injecting skill and knowledge of the doctor to understand the gel implant and identify any risks early. For the nose, it can be placed at the bridge and will likely stay there, but there has been reported cases of migration (which I believe is due to the injector's technique). The only downside is that it needs bolus injections of the substance, hence fine sculpting of the nose may not be achievable.

Which comes to the next filler which is Aquamid. Aquamid is also a semi-permanent filler which has a lasting profile of 3-5 years but recently cross-section studies have shown that even after 10 years it is still there. It is 97% water based and does not form capsules. Usually after the 2nd month, the patient could not even feel the filler anymore because it integrates with the skin. It requires multiple injection techniques and a lot of local is given during each sitting. Because of this, usually 2-3 visits is required to achieve the best results. As far as anyone is concerned, Aquamid is the most preferred non-surgical nose augmentation technique for plastic surgeons and advanced filler injectors. In fact, the rate of surgical rhinoplasty has declined with the advancement of this product because it allows the surgeon to tailor the nose according to the patient's face, less aggressive and invasive, minimal downtime, and the best part, no sutures. It allows the doctor to fix defects in the nose in the clinic, and the patient can resume work the very first day with minimal redness or bruising compared to doing a rhinoplasty. 

How I usually consult a patient who wants to get their nose done will depend on how much the patient knows about fillers and what it does. For virgin noses, if the patient is unsure, I'd ask them to choose between HA or Radiesse first, then later plan for Aquamid. For Aquamid, I would normally only inject 1 syringe at a time with a 2 weekly follow-up for the 1st 3 months to ensure no signs of infection. Remember, it is almost irreversible, so doing 1 syringe at a time would be the best approach. As for pain, usually the first few injections to numb the nose will be felt. Some people do complain of a slight pain sensation after doing the filler for a few days and gradually improves. Most patients are happy with the filler and the results. Even a review after 1 year showed that there was not much change in the filler shape.

So what is the perfect nose? It depends on the individual patient's perception. At this moment a lot of people are interested in getting a Korean nose as how the Korean drama series actors and actresses look. Is it achievable? To a certain extent, yes, and the best part it does not involves surgery.

For more information or further inquiries, kindly contact the clinic for a proper consultation at 03-21440080 or email to

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