Friday, July 27, 2012

Fasting month......

Its the fasting month and after a week of fasting, most of us have probably gotten into the cycle. The hectic afternoon jams and the sleepy mornings, make a lot of us try our best to stay indoors and not come out.

Despite so, fasting month is also a good time to get treatment done, as there are less social gatherings, and working hours are shortened. Furthermore, input from Muslim scholars have clarified on things that are not allowed to do during fasting and medical treatment has a lot of leeway. So to answer a lot of questions regarding getting things done in the fasting month, I can safely say that most everything is allowed except infusions of drips containing nutrients as that will hydrate the body. Yes, that means your fillers and botulinum toxin (bta) injections do not break your fast because most are injected either in the skin or intramuscular.

So when is the best time to get things done? For fillers and bta, I always tell my patients, at least 2 weeks before your function. Although filler results appear instantly, but the molding after 2 weeks makes it look more natural. Similarly for bta, it takes up to 3 days to start working, and at 1 week you will have the full effect and usually after 2 weeks it will soften a bit. For chemical peeling, the mild ones you can do a few days before, the deeper ones at least a week before. For Fraxel, although redness lasts about 3 days, I'd always say, reserve a week for swelling since some people react differently.

For those who are fasting, I'd recommend to drink more water at night since the skin does not heal well when dehydrated. Water as in plain water, not those sugary substances or teh tariks that will just dehydrate you more.If you tend to get dryness and skin peeling, use an extra moisturizer at night. For a healthier glow, invest in a good vitamin C serum or cream that allows good absorption. And last but not least, sunblock, sunblock, sunblock. The worst thing you can do is be out in the sun, in a dehydrated state with no sunblock - its a recipe for bad skin definitely.

For appointments do call us at 03-21440080 or email to We are open from 10am-10pm daily but for consultations, appointment required.

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