Monday, September 10, 2012

September October Promotion....

I remember a senior colleague of mine who whenever he conducts training... he will always tell us, " You know, for every Asian who walks into the clinic, definitely will look better with a nose filler in," Initially I laughed at his remark, but after a few years, I realized he did make sense. Traditionally Asians tend to have a more flatter nose bridge, hence makes the distance between the two eyes more far apart and appear smaller and less attractive. But by inserting a filler at the nose bridge, and even elongating the tip slightly, it helps reduce the distance and automatically makes the face more appealing. The eyes become more obvious and bigger (relatively). Nowadays with advancement of injection techniques, you can even do it as a lunch time procedure without much bruising or even being noticed by your colleagues. But there is a certain accepted norm for Asian nose, thus you need to go to a well trained practitioner in order to get a natural looking  nose. The most common comment you will get from your friends is that, you look different - but most wouldn't realize that you had your nose done unless pointed out or if you really had no bridge at all. The immediate improvement is superb and it really helps with self confidence without feeling fake. Besides, it is only 1 injection away.

Interested to try out our promotion? Do call us at 03-21440080 or email to for appointment. See you there.

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